"The Quality of Energy in Your Life Matters... a Lot."

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"The Quality of Energy in Your Life Matters... a Lot."

The Power To Love by Davida Patrick Moore

An Elegantly Simple Key to Living a Good and Thoughtful Life

Let's Start Here (audio)

Davida Patrick Moore - Let's Start Here (05min 32sec)

Let's Start Here (05min 32sec)

For all intents and purposes those reading this page are human and in so have a brain for the contemplation of this experience we call life. What anyone thinks is up to them. And as many people already know, what we think becomes our life experience.

Just like physics teaches, that within a sphere of influence, an object with mass will attract, or be attracted to, other objects with mass, metaphysics teaches similar properties. This attraction is called gravity. Our thoughts, and how we behave, produce a gravitational influence. What we think, and the action we engage send out waves that, from another point-of-view, can be thought of as harmonious or discordant. Harmonious waves draw together similar waves and the things that generate those waves. That which is discordant repels, or is repelled by, what it does not harmonize with. This is flowing right now within every one of us.

With this in mind we can live by our intellect, culturing and focusing our thoughts on what we desire, or we can live by default and allow the emotions that well up from within us to dominate and produce those gravitational waves drawing to us things that match our default behavior. These are the choices we make everyday.

As you will learn in our "Mission Statement" this web site is not going to tell you right from wrong. What is offered here are concepts for consideration. Though potentially brimming with brilliance the wisdom one develops within their own mind is theirs alone. Without the first hand implementation, observation, and unique personal conclusions someone's wisdom is another person's knowledge. The object of this site is to prompt people to think about their thought process and to consider The Power To Love as the answer for virtually all questions.

The Power To Love comes in myriad forms. The application of love is made and administered by the individual as only they can. This includes variables influenced by ability, willingness, intellect, and emotion. Not all of which we have control over yet through our introspection we can come to better understand our personal possibilities. Leading to potentially more and better informed choices as we live our lives. No small task but one that each person is suited to for their own self. Coincidentally, they are the sole participant who can make this happen.

One may show another a path, but the traveler, who chooses, will transit that path of their own power. For the most part, outside of being in "chaos" and/or "survival mode," we decide what and how we are going to think. The best preparation for the unknown is to sharpen one's own intellect by thinking. Really and truly thinking. Not trying to figure out what is for dinner, but pondering perspectives that pose situations that may be different or run counter to beliefs you already hold or have not previously considered. Reflect upon this world from other angles. Engage introspection regarding your place and the activities in the vastness of life on Earth.


Q: "What does a person say who is being introspective?"
A: "Nothing. They are being introspective."


This is not meant for laughs but to get some to think about what introspection is. When a person is introspective they are thinking about themselves and observing how they think, what they desire and how they feel as it relates to the activities in their life. Some would discount introspection because the individual can not be objective regarding themselves. Obviously, this would be the case for someone who is unable or unwilling to be honest with themselves to any great degree. Then for others being honest with themselves is the truest form of self-love they can offer themselves and the world around them. And what we do for or to ourselves will radiate outward to those around us. The expansion of our self-awareness is the next great step on this infinite journey that is our existence.

Below you will find links to essays with concepts and language we believe worth considering. We suggest starting at the beginning and taking the essays in order. The word counts vary but stay under 2000. And of course we greatly appreciate your comments and questions. You may drop us an email at: Davida@DavidaPatrickMoore.com

Davida Patrick Moore - The Power To Love (part 1)

The Power To Love (part 1 - 09min 32sec) (CLICK HERE for text)

Davida Patrick Moore - The Power To Love (part 2)

The Power To Love (part 2 - 04min 26sec) (CLICK HERE for text)

Davida Patrick Moore - The Power To Love (part 3)

The Power To Love (part 3 - 02min 23sec) (CLICK HERE for text)

"We Are Not Here to Strive to Become Monks"

Many people understand that Life is much like a school where students (Souls) attend to daily life with the possibility of learning and growing (expanding). In this expansion the Soul rises upward to the next level of initiation and another level of Soul development as it "works" a path back to the top and an unindividualized assumption into the ONE. Some people think the only way to do this is to become "monk-like", NOW!!!

A more gentle suggest is do the best you can to raise your vibration and release all judgment (of yourself and others). Your Soul is eternal so it is a foregone conclusion... you will get it right.


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"You Are a Being of Light"

When Lived, "as if," the World is only filled with LOVE. Of course this is a challenge but only because of the prevailing vibration that surrounds us. When we move from one environment to another we can discern where we feel lower frequency energies and higher frequency energies.

Only when we focus on generating our highest (or merely higher), frequency thoughts, actions, and behaviors can we begin to leave traces of LOVE energy everywhere we go. This has the potential of influencing the next person who visits that spot on the planet to harmonize and sympathize.

Kind of a nice path to follow.

Best Wishes,


#choosingloveforlife #thepowertolove #lovepower #choosinglove #raiseyourvibration #highvibrational #ascend #davidapatrickmoore

The Power To Love (audio)

Davida Patrick Moore - The Power To Love (part 1 - 09min 32sec)

The Power To Love (part 1 - 09min 32sec)

The Power To Love is the ability to center one's life in an uplifting condition. Because no two people understand, believe, or live in the same way, improvement in this matter is best discerned by the individual. With The Power To Love it is possible to alter our surroundings and inspire those near us to create their own uplifting condition. The mechanics for this process are elementary and easily attained with confidence, discipline, and consistency. The process is to love ceaselessly and to reflect with great appreciation and joy upon the uplifting physical and emotional events of one's life, present or desired. Importantly, this is done while trusting one's intuition with an impersonal neutrality, and remaining free of personal judgment of one's self, others, and the world around us.

In our lives we respond to myriad of demands placed upon us daily. Endlessly, we are confronted with people, situations, and events that call for our reaction. This is the foundation of life. Countless times everyday moments appear in which we must decide what we are going to do in regards to something someone said, how circumstances we encounter and plans we have evolve, or an action that might or has taken place.

Our response is a representation of us, at that moment, and comes from one of two sources within our being. A response could first spring from our instinctual self. A source of unconscious determination that has long existed within us and which protected Humankind as we developed in past millennia. Instinct still serves us greatly, occasionally in life or death situations, but often it also overshadows our lives with unnecessary displays of ego-centric behavior and desires. The other source of response to daily life can issue from our intellectual self, what many recognize as our mind. This more recently developed source of conscious action is predicated on the logic we possess or have developed for ourselves. This logic encompasses our belief system in regards to the unconditional love we have for humanity, truth as we see it, wisdom we recognize within ourselves and our connection to the world and things greater than ourselves.

Both sources undergo changes throughout our life. Our instincts are largely inborn yet are conditioned as we unconsciously experience our world. Our intellect, while partly inborn, is greatly a conscious outgrowth of our thoughts and rumination on our life experience. Both sources provide us with motivations as we are called upon to act in this world. The response we choose or the emotions we allow to motivate us come from within us and are ours to control. Ultimately, what we do in this life is our responsibility. How we act shows our self to the world.

The power we have at our command and the choices we make in responding to people, situations, and events reveals us, at that moment, to be centered in one of three dispositions. These three dispositions are; "I love it," "I hate it," or "whatever." Generally speaking, these are the three, "flavors," our actions will reinforce. Respectively, one is more-positive, one, to a large degree, is less-positive and one is neutral. All can be placed on a scale denoting quantity of the single element at the heart of all matter and emotion. That element is love.

There is no such thing as hatred. Just like there is no such thing as a source of darkness. Darkness is the lack or absence of light. Actions that are equated with hate are simply actions that lack love as we perceive the positive nature of love. This is important because every action contains some level and directed focus of what we call love. The intensity and focus of that love is what manifest in an action.

The intensity of love in any action matches a point on a scale of, "more-positive," to, "less-positive," as we see it. Much like the presence or absence of light in a physical setting, this scale represents the gradation of love in all actions. As we act we determine, either by instinct or intellect, the amount of love in our actions, whether by ability or will. The importance of this is found in the disposition we choose to center ourselves in as we engage The Power To Love.

One would find this to be important because what we create with our actions we receive back as reinforced actions, from ourselves and what is around us. This colors our world. A less-positive action will often motivate someone to instinctively return a respond in kind. An intellectual response to a less-positive action takes more effort and thought and is more likely to be more-positive if not simply neutral. The neutral disposition is often a developed response created to disengage any further interaction with the confronting person, situation, or event.

A continually supported disposition will permeate people, situations, and events in one's surroundings. Which means one's surroundings will come to reflect the disposition one supports ranging from, "more-positive," to, "less-positive." Alternate to this, because conscious participants are free to choose which disposition they will support, people, situations, and events may change due to repulsion of or attraction to a disparate disposition. The only remaining option is a person may, consciously or unconsciously, convert to the disposition supported by people, situations, or events which surround them. These dispositions can be thought of as vibrational frequencies that are either harmonious or discordant.

The results of any interaction has two alternate outcomes. Firstly, between two parties one assumes the vibrational frequency of the other, either by raising or lowering the disposition they support - becoming either more-positive or less-positive whichever is more dominate and accepted. Secondarily, the vibrational frequencies are sufficiently discordant that one or both parties separates from interaction. More succinctly, a person becomes what they are exposed to, or what a person is exposed to mirrors them, or both split apart avoiding the other as undesirable. In the case that one is inanimate it is simply avoided having been found undesirable by the animated conscious participant.

There is one last scenario that can occur. A conscious participant can encounter a discordant vibrational frequency and while being at odds with the newly encountered party may seek to harmonize with it. An effort must be made to bring about this change by and in the party that will be changing, and if over time the change doesn't occur a split will most likely take place even if a conscious desire to harmonize still exist.

Every thinking, feeling human being has within them The Power To Love and in that power the ability to center their life experience in a condition of their choosing, most powerfully if they consciously decide to choose. Intellectually, most desire love while instinctively many pursue love from within less-positive dispositions through misguided ego-centric behaviors. The unrecognized ability or unwillingness to engage The Power To Love portends unknown realities within the individual. Awareness Through Reflection is the prescription by which an individual can discover their own potential. Only the individual can uncover their ability and only they can engage their willingness to exercise The Power To Love. When we do this we benefit ourselves, others around us, and the world at large - today and into the future.

The Power To Love (audio)

Davida Patrick Moore - The Power To Love (part 2 - 04min 26sec)

These Are Your Options (part 2 - 04min 26sec)

1. Your surroundings, events or the people with whom your interact come to more closely reflect your essence.
(By your thoughts and behaviors you influence the environment, activities, and people near you, to experience and support a change in a related vibrational frequency which comes to harmonize with your vibration.)

2. You repulse, or are repulsed by, the essence of objects, events, surroundings, or someone you come into contact with.
(A presence, yours or one you encounter, is either more-positive, less-positive, or somehow unrecognizably different and is determined by one or both parties to be undesirable creating a split between the two parties.)

3. You come to reflect the essence of objects, events, surroundings, or people with whom your interact.
(Due to the dominate or accepted presence of things, activities, localities, or persons near you, consciously or unconsciously, your vibrational frequency raises or lowers to harmonize with that presence.)

"Essence" denotes the vibrational frequency of a person, situation, object, or event. This is related to a scale of more-positive through less-positive, as it is widely accepted matching proportionately and respectively to love and the lack of love, as we understand it.

"Vibrational Frequency" is a term used to describe the rate and amplitude of an emotional or spiritual property which is emitted, sensed or not, from all matter animate and inanimate.

Within every person is a gamut of instinct and intellect which encompasses their most-loving self and their least-loving self. From which portion of that scale we act is our choice. As we act we will likely gravitate to a centralized disposition which will in time characterize our general personality. This centralized disposition matches our essence.

Counter-productive actions are; inflicting physical harm to the human body, including murder and suicide, and the exacerbation of the emotional state of the innocent and the weak, this can include ourselves. In the opinion of many, other actions may be thought of as undesirable yet are more injurious to the perpetrator than the intended victim.

What someone does can not matter to someone else until the second party responds to the original act.

If the response is made by default, and instinctual, then the response is made without intellectual engagement. This source of response is potentially appropriate and beneficial yet may more likely reflect a thoughtless herd mentality action inbred with base survival instincts.

If the response is made using intellect, thought, regardless of foundation, has been engaged. Review of currently held belief systems affords the individual their best opportunity to have the most well-founded intellect upon which to draw appropriate responses.

How one chooses to pursue this existence can be an ever-evolving experience offering many opportunities for expansion. Some choices will return a more mundane movement, stocked with the default actions of an unengaged intellect. As sure as gravity attracts mass, more-positive and less-positive actions will render commensurate fruit.

All actions possess the essence of spiritual mass. Love returns love, and actions that lack love, return actions that lack love. Through this we ask for our experience by our actions.

The Power To Love (audio)

Davida Patrick Moore - The Power To Love (part 3 - 02min 23sec)

How The Power To Love Works (part 3 - 02min 23sec)

The Power To Love works by seeing the positive in any situation; by seeing past fearfully misrecognized markers of shortcomings; by viewing without judgment what the ego objects to in any setting; by trusting that in all circumstances purpose and providence inhabit the people, surroundings and events of one's life.

Love is not created by humankind yet is manifest in this world through humankind. We are the conduits of the Infinite Love of...(fill in the blank), (call it what you will). The Single Source of our creation does not have a qualm as to what we name it. Power has been deposited in certain forms of interaction which include names, words and activities yet a connection made between an intellectual life form and the higher level of consciousness that is the stem of our existence is possible through personally defined methods as well. A voice directed at the origin of our experience is always heard. And the hearing of a Divine response resonates within our hearts.

The heart is the channel through which love enters the physical universe. From there our actions manifest its conveyance. By becoming, within our abilities and willingness, a flowing stream of love we harmonize with the highest level of love and draw into our life benefits of an uplifting condition. Focused thought upon the most desirable of circumstances strengthens our bonds with the Infinite.

The spoken word delivers influential energy. Speak of what you love. Forgo speaking of what you, "hate". Build what you love and what stood in your way will be replaced. To tear down with hate leaves little in place including the heart that used hate as a force.

The expansion of our experience is limitless when, to the greatest of our abilities, we engage The Power To Love.

Davida Patrick Moore - XXX

Proffering Facet 22

The Torus and the Flower of Life - Foundation

Through the Aether, the Matrix is constructed. As it takes form, the functioning of the Matrix begins.

The Matrix, as a structure, is not a singular "thing". It is an underlying medium within which all of reality is enacted.

Think of the Matrix as if it were a movie screen. If a motion picture film is projected into the air without a screen, no movie is seen. The projection exist but is not correctly rendered as to be visible. The projection of the movie requires a "setting" in place, which is made possible through the use of a movie screen. In a way, the movie screen "freezes" the projected movie in place allowing for the movie to be observed as it plays out. Remove the screen and the projection may persist while the movie is indiscernible to the human eye.

Aether is the light from the projector. The movie is Consciousness and the Matrix is the movie screen. But the Matrix is more than a single panel upon which Consciousness is projected. The 3D Universe (3DU) being three-dimensional, requires the Matrix to be three-dimensional.

The Matrix is an all-present structure coinciding with the influx of Aether (neutrinos). Remember, a matrix is a medium within which something, such as a plant, is sustained. In this analogy, the soil is the medium, the matrix, supporting the plant. For the 3DU, the Matrix is a different kind of medium constructed of different material to that of soil. But just like soil, the Matrix supports life and existence at its assigned level.

Before addressing the Matrix on the Universal level, let us look at the relative model of molecular structures. To form any substance, molecules are brought together (in whatever way) and held together by intermolecular forces (do not think gravity). In packing these molecules together they are arranged in a lattice formation to create three-dimensional material. A lattice is a regulated, three-dimensional structure that looks like a grid.

In this lattice structure, there is a predicable arrangement to the connecting points and spacing of the molecules. The spacing is even and the grid overlaps as the structure is compounded and compiled. Think of a crystal where repeating shapes are visible, growing from small to large. These repeating shapes are built on the lattice work of the crystalline formation. These crystalline formations are geometric with distinct patterning.

Zoom out to the planetary, galactic, and universal level and this distinct patterning is in place. This Universal lattice work is the Matrix we address here. And just like the lattice work of a physical substance, this Universal lattice work, the Matrix, is constructed of subunits analogous to molecules. But on this energetic level this lattice work extends in all directions into infinity. As far as this lattice work of subunits propagates, the physical universe exist. In the construction of this ubiquitous medium these integral subunits are precisely placed to fill space and substantiate reality.

How physical matter, stars, planets, and all matter, fill space and move through the Matrix is a complex concept of Consciousness made manifest. Presenting this concept poses challenges if attempted in brief. How matter takes form and how these forms move and function within the Matrix requires extended conversation. Suffice it to say, there is an actual form and function to the Matrix that is foundational to reality and the ancients knew about this structure.

What follows is a discussion on how the ancients thought of and shared their understanding of this underlying medium we have come to call the Matrix.

Thank you

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Davida Patrick Moore - XXX

Proffering Facet 23

The Torus and the Flower of Life - Formulation

Where does Wisdom come from?

Wisdom is a close correlate to Truth. In the process of discovery, curiosity is lead through exploration to thoughts, which are supported by logic, that deliver beliefs. Beliefs tested derive Truth, which informs Wisdom.

But the gulf between the exoteric and the esoteric seems immeasurable. From where did the ancients gain their perspective on the unknown? If the world is all a person has, that question is unanswerable. The understanding held by the ancients approaches the unimaginable. Yet when the unknown is pursued with discernment, contemplation, and receptivity, what was hidden becomes revealed. It is only by honestly looking can the hidden be found. By assuming nothing, everything can be addressed, while timeliness is not assured. What can we imagine regarding the discovery process of the ancients? It is possible the ancients began their approach from the widest possible viewpoint that being the unfathomable Infinite. To this end, they symbolized the Infinite with an all-encompassing Circle.

Since the macrocosm is also found in the microcosm, the all-encompassing Circle is comprised of an infinite number of infinitesimal circles. The propagation of the physical springs from the Circle and is populated through an endless replication of circles. But the Circle is a two-dimensional representation of a sphere. Backtrack and replace the word “circle” with the word/concept “sphere” and from there we continue. The 3D Universe (3DU) is held within a sphere, built from a sphere, and filled by countless, minute spheres, all reflecting the macro. From the Infinite Sphere came everything else and in everything else we find the Infinite.

The conscious mind possessed by the ancients, because it is held in the Mind of the All, is connected to the Infinite. Granted this connection may appear to follow a circuitous path to attain greater access to the Infinite, it must be assumed that the connection is available. Access to lessor levels of the Infinite may not be so challenging. However acquired, this is the route to Wisdom.

Following we will discuss how these spheres came to populate the 3DU.

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Davida Patrick Moore - XXX

Proffering Facet 24

The Torus and the Flower of Life - Formation

Divine Consciousness descended into the portion of the Infinite Frequency Spectrum that today contains the 3D Universe (3DU). The very first instance of this brought Divine Consciousness, or “Divine Essence” to the previously uncreated portion of the spectrum. Upon merging into this portion of the spectrum, materialization occurred. From this materialization event, the particle, carrying the Divine Essence, entered this portion of the spectrum and became established. The particle takes a “central” position within the portion of the 3DU that it will make manifest. In becoming established, the hypothesized particle (neutrino) cast a sphere substantiating the Divine Presence in the density of the 3DU.

As the particle establishes a presence, it emits energy to create that presence. This is the substantiation process of creating the 3DU. The substantiating sphere presents a pattern of energetic activity recognized by ancient practitioners of Spiritual Mysteries. The substantiating  sphere is made real in what is called a Torus.

The Torus is a predicable pattern of energetic flow that poses and supports an energetic field called a toroidal field. At the onset of 3DU Creation, through the emergence of Divine Consciousness, a single Torus first came to be. More Divine Consciousness arrived and more Tori appeared. The flow of Divine Consciousness into the 3DU is constant. The Creation and maintenance of the Matrix is simultaneous to this inflow. This is not to say that the material of the physical universe is permanent. There is a cycle of Creation, Maintenance, and Dissolution that is integral to the substantiation of the Matrix. The material, right before your eyes, is created, maintained, and dissolved without your seeing these changes. The rate of the frequency of this cycle is inconceivably fast.

Countless instances of toroidal fields are widely addressed in science, energy work, and Spiritual teachings. The form of the Torus is seen throughout nature. As will follow in a Proffering Facet, the central energy “locus” (central particle) that generates the toroidal field can be infinitesimally small and comparatively quite large. There is an energetic “locus” within Mother Gaia (earth) that poses and supports a toroidal field around the planet in the form of a magnetosphere. These energetic loci are found in the human body, one specifically within the heart projects a toroidal field that propagates the human aura. But this is not the only toroidal field found in the human energetic system. Toroidal fields are found throughout the human energetic system performing at various levels. At the center of the solar system, the Sun projects a toroidal field that encompasses the entire solar system. These toroidal fields are found in expanded size and scope beyond the solar system.

What follows is a discussion on the propagation of these Tori with an aim to outline the formation and function of the Matrix.

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Davida Patrick Moore - XXX

Proffering Facet 25

The Torus and the Flower of Life - Function

Exploring the propagation of reality, curious minds came to understand that an unimaginable multitude of tori populate the 3D Universe (3DU). In exploring the replication process, stages of propagation were recognized. If questions arise surrounding the text of this Proffering Facet refer to earlier information: “Aether and the Matrix” and “Neutrinos”

Here are the burgeoning stages of materialization, in order;

“Divine Essence” or “Central Particle”
Divine Consciousness, by lowering its vibration and frequency, begins to enter the 3D Universe (3DU). As the Divine Consciousness enters the 3DU it materializes as a “ghost particle” (neutrino). Upon establishment, the particle begins to vibrate and inso doing the particle generates a toroidal field. This process is the beginning of materialization.

“Germ of Life” showing toroidal activation
In the process of materialization and the accumulation of Divine Essence, the ethereal structure referred to as the “Germ of Life” takes form. With the inflow of Divine Consciousness, energetic activity commences generating a Torus. Remember, toroidal fields are spherical. This is the process by which the 3DU is made material and “real”.

“Divine Essence” w/emergent “Germ of Life”
With the inflow of Divine Consciousness, the Germ of Life takes form. In the process of fully forming, more Divine Consciousness enters, simultaneously forming adjacent Germ of Life structures. These adjacent structures overlap and partially interpenetrate the previously formed Germ of Life. This is just the beginning. As these additional Central Particles appear and take form the next level is brought forward.

The “Seed of Life” containing the “Germ of Life”
With the propagation of the Germ of Life, a larger structure of interpenetrating toroidal fields takes form in the Seed of Life formation. Additional toroidal fields are added in this construction/formation process. As Divine Consciousness continues to flow into the blossoming structure, the structure continues to expanse.

The “Egg of Life” (shown on its own)
The Egg of Life is an outwardly rippling extension of the inner core laid down in the earlier stages. This process is continued and expanded as the Matrix is installed.

The “Egg of Life” containing the “Germ of Life” and the “Seed of Life”
The Egg of Life has at its core the Seed of Life, the Germ of Life, and the Central Particle. The Divine Consciousness, flowing into the 3DU from higher dimensions fills and expands 3DU space in an undulating movement.

The “Fruit of Life” (shown on its own)
As the 3DU is continued to being filled in, larger formations take shape. The Fruit of Life is the next identified formation. This structure is organically propagated, flowing from the inside out.

The “Fruit of Life” containing the “Germ of Life” “Seed of Life” and the “Egg of Life”
The Fruit of Life contains the Egg of Life, the Seed of Life, the Germ of Life and the Central Particle structures, going from outer to inner. The process of propagation is natural and seamless in its realization.

The “Flower of Life” containing all previous stages, revealing the pattern of the Matrix.
Jumping from the Fruit of Life to the Flower of Life is a shorthand explanation for total materialization. The Flower of Life represents the final stage of materialization of the Matrix and by extension the 3DU.

This is the pattern that fills the entire physical universe. Remember, these circles represent interpenetrating spheres.

To Restate: The Flower of Life is the completed pattern of the Matrix. As this pattern endlessly regenerates, in a manner of speaking, it does so from the inside out. The Germ is replenished from higher dimensions, the energy flows out from the Germ to replenish the Seed, then the Egg, and so on. The replenishment process is like an undulating wave of energy and materialization. Constantly, thoroughly, and extremely quickly.

Each of these stages holds specific power and potency, which is material of an alternate study to what we discuss here. These are esoteric studies though pathways we will not follow for reasons of continuity for the discussion at hand. Needless to say, the Flower of Life in and of itself emits and supports ethereal energy making manifest the 3DU.

Within the Flower of Life is found the Platonic Solids, forms revealed to and by Plato as the five shapes that underlay the construction of all matter. Throughout the fabric of the Matrix overlapping and interpenetrating Germ of Life, Seed of Life, Egg of Life, Fruit of Life, Flower of Life, and greater toroidal structures are found. Remember, these structures are three-dimensional and each subunit is spherical. The essential energy materialized in one stage ripples out and is amplified in the next stage only to be repeated in the next and greater stage. It is in this expansive growth expression that the 3DU is constantly reinforced as a paradigm and what is known as the “physical universe”.

The cycle of Creation, Maintenance, and Dissolution that is integral to the substantiation of the Matrix is constant and performed from within these structures. The inflow of Divine Consciousness provides the vitality that is the 3DU. But it is the Matrix structure through which this vitality is made manifest providing the paradigm that is the 3DU experience.

The point of the discourse in these connected Proffering Facets titled “The Torus and the Flower of Life” is to illustrate the construction of the 3DU as a projection of Divine Consciousness in which every incarnated Soul finds itself purposefully and supported as it grows, expands, and ascends back to its origin in higher dimensions. How a Soul interacts with this paradigm reveals much to the Soul. These revelations assist the Soul in its growth, expansion, and ascension process.

Next we discuss ways a Soul can choose to interact with the Matrix.

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The admonition of, "Think About How You Think," is for the individual not the adviser as everyone lives their life along. We Are ONE.

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